Direction Of New Speed Limits Rule Announced
Posted: 22-Mar-2024 |
Cabinet has agreed on the coalition Government’s direction of travel for a new Land Transport Rule to be signed by the end of 2024. This new rule will reverse the previous government's blanket speed reductions imposed on motorists across New Zealand, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.
“The new rule will ensure that when speed limits are set, economic impacts - including travel times - and the views of road users and local communities are taken into account, alongside safety.
“The previous government's untargeted approach resulted in blanket speed limit reductions across the country, rather than targeting high crash areas of the network. The new Rule will lead to blanket speed limit reductions being reversed by the end of next year, except where it is unsafe.
“It is critical that we have the right settings in place to boost economic growth and improve road safety, enabling Kiwis to get to where they want to go, quickly and safely.
“I am working with the Minister for Regulation, David Seymour, to ensure that the rule removes ‘nanny state’ regulations aimed at slowing Kiwis down and focuses on practical, targeted safety measures,” Mr Brown says.
“Setting lower speed limits without taking into account how it would affect travel times and economic activity was irrational. The Coalition Government is committed to making principled and rational policy decisions, including doing cost-benefit analysis where appropriate,” Regulation Minister David Seymour says.